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  • Student Organization Alcohol Policy
    • The organization, members and guests must comply with all federal, state, provincial and local laws. No person under the legal drinking age may possess, consume, provide or be provided alcoholic beverages.
    • The organization, members and guests must follow the federal law regarding illegal drugs and controlled substances. No person may possess, use, provide, distribute, sell and/or manufacture illegal drugs or other controlled substances while on chapter/organizational premises or at any activity or event sponsored or endorsed by the chapter/organization.
    • No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with organization funds or funds pooled by members or guests (admission fees, cover fees, collecting funds through digital apps, etc.).
    • Common sources of alcohol, including bulk quantities and kegs, which are not being served by a licensed and insured third party vendor, are prohibited. Open parties are prohibited. Attendance by non-members at any event where alcohol is present must be by invitation only, and the organization must utilize a guest list system.
    • Any event or activity related to the new member joining process (e.g., recruitment, intake, rush, etc.) must be substance free. No alcohol or drugs may be present if the event or activity is related to new member activities, meetings, or initiation into an organization, including but not limited to “bid night,” “big/little” events or activities, “family” events or activities and any ritual or ceremony.
    • No organization may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or bar (bar defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) at which alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present.
    • No organization may co-sponsor, co-finance, attend, or participate in an event at which alcohol is purchased by any of the host organizations.
    • The organization, members or guests must not permit, encourage, coerce, glorify or participate in any activities involving the rapid consumption of alcohol, such as drinking games.
  • Student Conduct's Flow of Case and Investigation process for F&SA organizations
    1. Information is received by Student Support & Conduct (SSC) of Alleged Misconduct
    2. Interim Suspension Consideration: If there is dangerous misconduct and/or death/injury, SSC may issue an interim suspension of organizational activities. Examples include but are not limited to hazing, repeated alcohol violations, acts of violence, and high-level risk management violations. If Interim Suspension is put in place an investigation process will start. An Interim Suspension can occur at any part of a process. Determine to start with inquiry or investigation: Consideration is given to the information available and the credibility of the source to determine if the university will begin with an inquiry or an investigation.
    3. Inquiry: SSC will call Chapter President to notify them of the concern and schedule a meeting. This phone call will outline the report that was received. Instruct the Chapter President to inform their Chapter Advisor and Headquarter contact. Next Steps: Based on if more information is needed to be gathered and the available avenues to gather more information. The inquiry could be: 1. Closed as a status of ‘No Action’ as there is not enough information on an allegation of policy. 2. Moved into an Investigation | Investigation: A notice of an investigation will be sent to the organization's president, advisor, and national organization. The letter will outline a summary of the allegations. The investigation process will involve talking with parties involved including organization leadership, victims, witnesses, and alleged participants. A summary report is provided to the organization. An investigation may be conducted by SSC, but may also include Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, and applicable national organization. Next Steps: Based on the investigation a case could be. 1.) Closed as a status of ‘No Action’ as there is not enough information on an allegation of policy. 2.) Sent to the organization’s council’s Judicial Board. 3.) Sent to an Administrative Hearing. 4.) Sent to a Committee Hearing.
    4. Administrative Hearing: During the Administrative Hearing, the chapter representative and the SSC staff member will discuss the information gathered through the investigation process.
      If a chapter is found responsible for the violation, the chapter representative is encouraged to provide suggestions for an action plan to get the chapter on the right track. With the suggestions from the chapter, SSC and FSA will collaboratively discuss and develop an action plan for the chapter. The action plan is communicated to the chapter and supported by SSC and FSA to complete the action plan outlined.
    5. Potential Waiver of Administrative Meeting: It is common for an organization to take responsibility for the alleged policy violation and quickly move to a discussion of an action plan. With suggestions for the chapter, SSC and FSA will collaboratively discuss and develop an action plan for the chapter. This action plan is communicated to the chapter and the organization can choose to waive their Administrative Meeting and agree to the action plan communicated or they can choose to attend their Administrative Meeting.

    Student Code of Conduct

  • Hazing Policy

    The safety of all students within our fraternity and sorority community is our top priority. Any individuals and/or organizations participating in or sponsoring hazing behavior or activities will be held responsible as defined by the Oklahoma State University Code of Conduct. Hazing is defined as any activity which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental health, physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into, or affiliation with, any organization operating subject to the sanction of the public or private school or of any institution of higher education in the state of Oklahoma. In addition, the Student Code of Conduct document prohibits any form of racial, ethnic and sexual harassment.


  • Non-Discrimination Policy

    The governing councils of the fraternity and sorority community and each member chapter are required to follow the policies listed on this page. Any violation will result in a judicial board OR student conduct referral. You may find policies governing the fraternity/sorority community in the Fraternity & Sorority Handbook (see Resources) at The governing councils of the fraternity and sorority community and Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Higher Education Act), do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ethnicity in any of their policies, practices or procedures.

  • Chapter Responsibility

    Sororities and fraternities are held to high standards by their national organizations, advisors and the university. There are trainings that prepare members to be responsible and behave in a manner that reflects their values. In addition, you can find the Chapter Conduct History on our Resource page and each Chapter Profile on our website.

  • Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Handbook