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Fraternity & Sorority Chapter Conduct History


  • Important Terms
    • FSA = Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Office 
    • SSC = Student Support & Conduct Office
    • Action Plan = An outcome from a conduct case
      • Status change
      • Educational seminar
      • Required action, etc.
    • PNM = Potential New Member
    • Deferred Suspension = the chapter was suspended but was given the opportunity to complete their action plan and defer the suspension.
    • Social Probation = a status only IFC assigns, which restricts that chapter from participating in or hosting social events
    • IHQ = International Headquarters, the national office for an organization. In certain situations, they will assign chapters separate sanctions. 
  • How are cases decided?

    Student Conduct

    • This office works with chapters and their IHQ when they are alleged of violating a university policy.
    • The Student Organization Code of Conduct is followed for allegations of university policy.
    • Individual Councils

    Interfraternity Council (IFC)

    • This board works with fraternities when an IFC policy has allegedly been violated and follows the IFC judicial board process.

    Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)

    • This board works with MGC chapters when an MGC policy has allegedly been violated and follows their council’s judicial board process.

    National Panhellenic Council (NPHC)

    • This board works with NPHC chapters when an NPHC policy has allegedly been violated and follows their council’s judicial process.

    Panhellenic Council

    • This board works with sororities when a Panhellenic policy has allegedly been violated and follows the Panhellenic mediation and judicial board processes.


Chapter Conduct History

  • Alpha Chi Omega Sorority

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Fall 2023
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy Q: Timing and Recruitment Fines
    • Outcome: Fine

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy G: Refreshments 
    • Outcome: Fine

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy J: Contact with Potential New Member 
    • Outcome: Verbal Warning 
  • Alpha Delta Pi Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy Q: Timing and Recruitment Fines 
    • Outcome: Fine

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: J--Contact with Potential New Member; Q--Timing and Recruitment Fines 
    • Outcome: Letter to Alumni/Parents 
  • Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2024
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Health and Safety, Disorderly Conducts, Attempts and Complicity ·
    • Outcome: Non-participation in Follies 2024, Varsity Review 2025, and Spring Sing 2025. Replace 3 events with Brotherhood/Philanthropic events. Ineligible for Dean Troxell Award or any FSA or IFC awards. Host a values presentation. Send letter to chapter alumni. Each member must volunteer 20 additional hours for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. AGR and FarmHouse must collaborate on one social event and one philanthropic initiative.

    Semester: Fall 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2023 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Alcohol and Adherence to Governing Policies 
    • Outcome: Educational Workshops, Creation of an Enforcement Model for Event Planning

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks, Review of Internal Alcohol Policy 
  • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member 08/07/2023-07/31/2024

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Review New Member Program with FSA, National Requirements 
  • Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  

    • No Conduct History 
  • Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Fall 2023
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: O‐‐Bid Day; J‐‐Contact with Potential New
    • Outcome: Verbal Warning

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: O--Bid Day; J--Contact with Potential New Members 
    • Outcome: Verbal Warning

    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Interference with University Business Policy; Attempts and Complicity Policy; Adherence to Governing Policies 
    • Outcome: Restrictions on holding or participating in in-person events through the Spring 2021 semester, Educational Workshop on COVID-19, Letter to Chapter

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Complete an alcohol education seminar a hazing education seminar, hold a sisterhood retreat, and create an engagement plan for members after they have been initiated

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: NPC Unanimous Agreement Violation (16); Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (j) 
    • Outcome: Review the Chapter and Council Alcohol Policy, Create an Engagement Plan
  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: National Suspension till September 2021 
  • Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  

    • No Conduct History 
  • Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  


    Semester: Spring 2023

    • Resolution: Fall 2023
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Social Probation, Deferred Suspension, Meetings with SSC

    Semester: Fall 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2023 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Social Restrictions, Study Hours, Academic Workshops, Meetings with FSA and IFC VP of Education

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Fall 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Create a New Scholarship Plan

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks, Alcohol Workshop

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with FSA

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meetings with FSA
  • Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: No events with alcohol until December 2022, no participation in shows for the spring 2022 semester, and no ability to participate in Homecoming 2021. Education regarding hazing and bystander intervention is required, and new member educators must meet with FSA staff. The chapter must set expectations for living in the chapter house and must plan an event for the FSA community regarding risk management.

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Alcohol Policy and Property Damage and Theft Policy 
    • Outcome: The chapter is restricted from hosting/participating in events with other chapters and hosting events with alcohol through the spring 2021 semester, has to repair its relationship with the Airbnb host, plan four alcohol-free events for chapter members during the spring 2021 semester, and has to review their judicial process internally

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Adherence to Governing Policies, Alcohol Policy, Property Damage and Theft Policy, Hazing Policy, 
    • Outcome: Complete a brotherhood workshop and retreat, review the internal chapter judicial process, hold an alcohol education seminar, complete an event planning training, train sober monitors, submit future events plans to SSC, and have a hazing education seminar

    Semester: Fall 2019 

    • Resolution: Fall 2019
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Social Probation, Meeting with FSA and SC
  • Alpha Xi Delta Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Attempts and Complicity Policy
    • Outcome: Homecoming Directors Transition Training 

    Semester: Fall 2021 

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: Q--Timing and Recruitment Fines; G--Refreshments 
    • Outcome:  Fine

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies J: Contact with Potential New Member 
    • Outcome: Recruitment Chair Training

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: I—Chapter Checks; S—Membership Recruitment Violations; J—Contact with Potential New Members; Q—Timing and Recruitment Fines 
    • Outcome: Recruitment Training 
  • Beta Theta Pi Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2024

    • Resolution: Spring 2024
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing, Physical Violence
    • Outcome: Review and revise chapter house and chapter property rules/guidelines and risk management procedures. Adopt/adhere to new member education guidelines by Beta Theta Pi Headquarters. Host a chapter-wide program focusing on chapter values and hazing facilitated by national representative of Beta Theta Pi. Chapter Advisor must schedule meeting with F&SA staff to discuss local advisor expectations during risk management procedures.

    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2024
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing, Physical Violence
    • Outcome: TBD

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Attempts and Complicity Policy 
    • Outcome: Review internal process, and the chapter cannot hold events with other chapters until fall 2021

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Complete event training with SSC, hold internal sober monitor training, and meet with FSA
  • Beta Upsilon Chi Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Hold a hazing education seminar and establish an internal chapter accountability process
  • Chi Omega Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: Q—Timing and Recruitment Fines; O—Bid Day 
    • Outcome: Fine 

    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Interference with University Business; Attempts and Complicity; Adherence to Governing Policies 
    • Outcome: Restricted from holding or participating in in-person events through the spring 2021 semester, and had to develop additional education for chapter members regarding COVID-19 protocol

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Host an alcohol education seminar, review the internal officer transition process, and meet with FSA to discuss expectations of future show participation

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: NPC Unanimous Agreement Violation (16); Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (j) 
    • Outcome: Behavior Contracts 

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: J—Contact with Potential New Members; T—Social Media Policy; Q—Timing and Recruitment Fines 
    • Outcome: Social Media Workshop 
  • Delta Delta Delta Sorority

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy G: Refreshments 
    • Outcome: Fine 

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Alcohol and Hazing 
    • Outcome: Create an internal plan, host educational seminars regarding social hosting, hazing, and bystander intervention, complete a traditions evaluation, have at least 10 Greek 100 facilitators, and create an internal committee to address hazing

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy Q: Timing and Recruitment Fines 
    • Outcome: Fine
  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    • No Conduct History 
  • Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Required to bring someone from their headquarters to lead a presentation regarding the new member process

    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Hazing, Alcohol, Physical Violence 
    • Outcome: Host an educational hazing seminar, revise the Big/Little mentorship program, and the chapter is restricted from hosting events with alcohol until the fall 2022 semester, the chapter is restricted from participating in FSA shows (excluding Follies) and is not permitted to participate in paired Homecoming 2021 activities, host an educational alcohols seminar, complete a risk management development program, complete recruitment workshop, develop new house rules and expectations, host a brotherhood retreat, develop an educational program for the entire FSA community

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Complete event training with SSC, hold internal sober monitor training, and meet with FSA

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Complete a traditions evaluation and meet with the FSA
  • FarmHouse Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  

    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2024
    • Violation: Student Organization Policy, Health and Safety, Disorderly Conduct, Attempts and Complicity.
    • Outcome: Non-participation in Follies 2024, Varsity Review 2025, and Spring Sing 2025. Replace 3 events with Brotherhood/Philanthropic events. Ineligible for Dean Troxell Award or any FSA or IFC awards. Host a values presentation. Send letter to chapter alumni. Each member must volunteer 20 additional hours for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. AGR and FarmHouse must collaborate on one social event and one philanthropic initiative.

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Complete event training with SSC, hold internal sober monitor training, and meet with FSA
  • Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy Q: Timing and Recruitment Fines 
    • Outcome: Fine

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Interference with University Business; Attempts and Complicity; Adherence to Governing Policies 
    • Outcome: Restricted from holding or participating in in-person events with other chapters through the fall 2020 semester, and passed out 500 masks to the Greek community

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies J: Contact with Potential New Member 
    • Outcome: Verbal Warning
  • Kappa Alpha Order Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2023
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy
    • Outcome: National Office Outcomes: Disciplinary Probation, Alumni Receivership, Membership Review, Educational Workshops, Officer Conference, Leadership Academy, New Member Education Revision

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA and host a presentation from the LASSO center about student habits/time management

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Hold educational seminars regarding hazing and peer accountability, develop a new education plan for new members, and develop a values-based recruitment plan
  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  


    • No Conduct History 
  • Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Attempts and Complicity Policy 
    • Outcome: Required to provide Homecoming officer transition and training documents

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy Q: Timing and Recruitment Fines 
    • Outcome: Fine and Review of recruitment education provided to members

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy S: Membership Recruitment Violation 
    • Outcome: Recruitment Training 

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Interference with University Business; Attempts and Complicity; Adherence to Governing Policies 
    • Outcome: Restricted from holding or participating in in-person events with other chapters through the fall 2020 semester, and passed 500 masks out to the Greek community

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Send a letter to chapter members outlining identified issues, develop a new initiation celebration, and social events were restricted

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: NPC Unanimous Agreement Violation (16); Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (j) 
    • Outcome: Revamp Bid Day Procedures/Expectations
  • Kappa Delta Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: Q—Timing and Recruitment Fines; G—Refreshments 
    • Outcome: Fine 

    Semester: Fall 2020 

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Interference with University Business; Attempts and Complicity; Adherence to Governing Policies; NPC Unanimous Agreement Violation (16) 
    • Outcome: Restricted from holding or participating in in-person events with other chapters through the fall 2020 semester

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies J: Contact with Potential New Members 
    • Outcome: Recruitment Education for Alumna, Education Workshop
  • Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: University Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Host a hazing presentation for the chapter and be required to submit a new member plan to the FSA
  • Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: Q—Timing and Recruitment Fines; G—Refreshments 
    • Outcome: Fine 

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies J: Contact with Potential New Member 
    • Outcome: Develop a response for communicating with PNMs during recruitment and host two educational seminars on appropriate communication
  • Kappa Sigma Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member 



    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Fall 2023
    • Violation: IFC Property Damage and Theft, IFC Alcohol, and IFC Adherence to Governing Policies
    • Outcome: Deferred Suspension, Social Probation through May of 2024, Community Service Hours (5 per member), Internal Alcohol Workshop, External Greek Community Workshop, Meetings with SSC

    Semester: Spring 2023

    • Resolution: Fall 2023
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with FSA

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks, Alcohol Workshop, Meeting with IFC Judicial Board

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Required to hold an educational seminar regarding hazing prevention, develop a program for the fraternity and sorority community to advance risk mitigation, and have chapter officers meet with FSA

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks, Alcohol Workshop

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Host educational seminars on hazing, alcohol consumption, and bystander intervention, as well as revise the new member program with FSA and SSC
  • Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    • No Conduct History
  • Lambda Phi Epsilon

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    • No Conduct History  
  • Omega Delta Phi Fraternity, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    • No Conduct History 
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    • No Conduct History 
  • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: Student Organization Academic Misconduct 
    • Outcome: Academic Probation, Study Hours 
  • Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2024

    • Resolution: Spring 2024
    • Violation: Adherence to Governing Policies-Failing to register an event with alcohol.
    • Outcome: Required to pay a $500 fine to Fraternity and Sorority Life and create a chapter officer transition plan.

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks, Action Plan for Greek Discovery Day 

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Alcohol, Adherence to Governing Policies, and Attempts and Complicity 
    • Outcome: The chapter is restricted from hosting/participating in events with other chapters during the fall 2020 semester and hosting events with alcohol through the spring 2021 semester, holding training regarding registering events, and hosting a brotherhood chapter retreat
  • Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Fall 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks, Action Plan for Greek Discovery Day 

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Revise the new member program, meet with FSA staff to discuss the new member program, notify the chapter of the incident

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Complete event training with SSC, hold an internal sober monitor training, and meet with FSA
  • Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Fall 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA
  • Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2023 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with FSA

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Hold a hazing prevention seminar and complete national online education; revise the recruitment process, the new member process, and the big/little program, remove paddles from the organization

    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks

    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Attempts and Complicity and Alcohol 
    • Outcome: Chapter has a limitation on number of events with alcohol; they can register in the fall 2021 semester, must complete event training for the whole chapter, and are not permitted to host events outside of Payne County until fall 2022

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA 
  • Phi Mu Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies Q: Timing and Recruitment Fines 
    • Outcome: Fine

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies J: Contact with Potential New Members 
    • Outcome: Recruitment Education for Alumna 
  • Pi Beta Phi Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  


    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2024
    • Violation: Hazing, new members endured a variety of hazing practices at a retreat.
    • Outcome: Chapter is required to attend monthly meetings with campus Panhellenic advisor, conduct a campus-wide community event regarding hazing prevention, host an NPC roundtable discussion about social inclusion, and host a philanthropic event with an NPHC or multicultural organization. Organization is also required to conduct a five-part Leading with Values Program series, adjust the Big-Little mentorship program within the chapter and open opportunities for new members to take leadership inanities within the chapter.

    Semester: Fall 2022

    • Resolution: Fall 2022 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: J—Contact with Potential New Members; O—Bid Day
    • Outcome: Verbal Warning 

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy S: Membership Recruitment Violation 
    • Outcome: Chapter members were required to sign an agreement regarding alcohol use during recruitment, and recruitment chairs had to develop transition and training documents

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Host bystander intervention and power dynamics seminars, involvement in OSU PHC Anti-Hazing Week, co-host an anti-hazing seminar with two other chapters, have at least 10 Greek 100 facilitators, and hold monthly conversations with PHC Presidents

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies J: Contact with Potential New Members 
    • Outcome: Recruitment Practice 
  • Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2024
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b)
    • Outcome: Social Probation until the conclusion of Spring 2024 Semester, no alcohol until Jan 1, 2025, 95%-chapter attendance at “buzz alcohol seminar,” Attend Greek 100, Set up chapter operations presentation.

    Semester: Fall 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2023 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Social Restrictions through the Spring 2024 semester, Advisor Present, Membership review, Revamp New Member Education, Revise Traditional Ceremony, Revise Big/Little, Educational Workshops on hazing, Brotherhood Retreat, National’s Leadership Academy, Improve Community Standards Status, No Homecoming 2023

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with IFC VP of Education 

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: The chapter could not hold tailgates for the remainder of the fall 2021 football season, required sober monitor, alcohol, and risk management education, required brotherhood retreat planned by the national organization

    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Hold event planning and educational alcohol seminars, must plan events with alcohol with a member of the FSA for the duration of the fall 2021 semester

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Bystander Intervention Training, Additional Alcohol Checks, Meeting with FSA

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Adherence to Governing Policies, Alcohol, Property Damage and Theft 
    • Outcome: Educational Workshop, Sober Monitor Training, Alcohol Workshop, Review Events with SC

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Meetings
    • Outcome: Fine 
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2023 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Meetings 
    • Outcome: Fine 

    Semester: Fall 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2023 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Fall 2022

    • Resolution: Fall 2022 
    • Violation: Student Organization Property Damage and Theft Policy 
    • Outcome: Removed from Homecoming 2022 

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Fall 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b)
    • Outcome: Deferred Suspension, Additional Alcohol Checks, Social Restrictions, Revise Internal Alcohol Policy 

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Alcohol and Disorderly Conduct 
    • Outcome: The chapter could not host tailgates for the remainder of the fall 2021 football season, required sober monitoring and alcohol education, provided members another event to participate in on Saturdays during the fall 2021 semester

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (l) 
    • Outcome: Marijuana Workshop
  • Sigma Chi Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  


    Semester: Spring 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2023 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Adherence to Governing Policies and Alcohol
    • Outcome: Chapter Discussion with Nationals, Sober Monitor Training, Alcohol Workshop

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Interference with University Business, Attempts and Complicity, Adherence to Governing Policies 
    • Outcome: COVID-19 Training, Revamp Judicial System for COVID-19, Letter to Chapter
  • Sigma Lambda Alpha Sorority, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    • No Conduct History 
  • Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  


    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Education Workshop, Letter to the Chapter 
  • Sigma Nu Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: Student Organization Property Damage Policy 
    • Outcome: Institution Fine, Educational Workshop, Restricted from On-Campus Housing 

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: Student Organization Hazing Policy 
    • Outcome: Revise Big/Little Program 

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) 
    • Outcome: Deferred Social Probation, Additional Alcohol Checks, Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2020 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: National’s Requirements, Social Restrictions 

    Semester: Fall 2019 

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) and (b) 
    • Outcome: Deferred Social Probation, Additional Alcohol Checks, Educational Workshop, Revise Internal Alcohol Policy 

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Hazing and Alcohol 
    • Outcome: No Homecoming, chapter placed on “serious concern” status (IHQ language), use an interim education plan for new members, fined by IHQ, removal of social chairman from leadership, participate in risk reduction, accountability, and bystander education seminars from IHQ, complete a values congruent environments, candidate development, and governance accountability plans, host a hazing seminar, all member complete AlcoholEdu, facilitate a chapter retreat with risk management expert, send two reps to 2 different IHQ training programs, and prohibited from social events and limited campus involvement
  • Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Spring 2024
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Hazing Policy, new members participated in a scavenger hunt where local laws were broken.
    • Outcome: Required to write and instill a scavenger hunt policy into chapter’s bylaws.

    Semester: Fall 2023

    • Resolution: Fall 2023
    • Violation: Student Organization Policies: Hazing Policy, Adherence to Governing Policies, and Alcohol Policy
    • Outcome: Social Restrictions for the remainder of the semester, No Homecoming 2023, Educational Workshops on hazing, Event Planning Guide, New Member Education Revision, Chapter House Expectations, Additional Outcomes from Chapter’s Alumni Volunteer Corporation

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy (a) 
    • Outcome: Additional Alcohol Checks, Bylaw Review by Student Conduct

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: Student Organization Attempts and Complicity Policy 
    • Outcome: Bystander Intervention Training

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy 
    • Outcome: Alcohol Workshops, Revise Internal Accountability Process, Meeting with FSA 
  • Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  

    Semester: Spring 2022

    • Resolution: Fall 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic, Social, and Conduct Probation, Referral to Student Conduct Next Violation

    Semester: Fall 2021 

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic, Social, and Conduct Probation, Mental Health Workshop 

    Semester: Spring 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Deferred Social Probation, Academic Workshop, Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA, Academic Workshop

    Semester: Spring 2020

    • Resolution: Fall 2020 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA 
  • Theta Chi Fraternity

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Spring 2023

    • Resolution: Fall 2023
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with FSA, Weekly Grade Submissions, Academic Plan Revision

    Semester: Fall 2022

    • Resolution: Spring 2023 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2022 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements 
    • Outcome: Scholastic Probation, Meeting with FSA 

    Semester: Fall 2020

    • Resolution: Spring 2021 
    • Violation: IFC Bylaws Scholastic Requirements
    • Outcome: Meeting with FSA
  • Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member



    • No Conduct History 
  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  



    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Spring 2022
    • Violation: Student Organization Academic Misconduct 
    • Outcome: Academic Probation, Study Hours 
  • Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority 

    # of individual conduct cases involving a member  


    Semester: Fall 2022

    • Resolution: Fall 2022
    • Violation: Student Organization Alcohol Policy
    • Outcome: Education Workshops, Event Planning Model Revamp/Creation 

    Semester: Fall 2021

    • Resolution: Fall 2021 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policies: Q—Timing and Recruitment Fines; G—Refreshments
    • Outcome: Fine

    Semester: Fall 2019

    • Resolution: Fall 2019 
    • Violation: Membership Recruitment Policy Q: Timing and Recruitment Fines
    • Outcome: Fine