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We know students struggle when their basic needs aren't being met.

You are not alone!
A large population of college students stress about finding their next meal, a place to sleep, or keeping up with hygiene needs. OSU has a wide range of partnerships, pantries, and resources to help students meet their basic needs.

Food Assistance on Campus

Pete's Pantry

If you're stressed about food or you're in need of personal products, please visit Pete's Pantry located in the Student Union basement in room 042. The Pantry will be open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and Fridays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. All you will need is your OSU ID.

Pete's Eats

Do you or someone you know need a free meal? Please join Pete's Eats to request information on free food opportunities. This group is anonymous and free for students.

Mobile Market

Visit ODB while they are at the Family Resource Center (on-campus) for your food and resource needs. Follow OSU Basic Needs on Instagram (@osubasicneeds) to stay up to date on upcoming on-campus mobile markets. All you will need is your OSU ID. 

Food Assistance in Stillwater

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread Food and Resource Center is a nonprofit organization comprised of progressive-minded staff and volunteers working to end hunger by addressing the root causes in Payne County.

Thursday Community Dinner

A free community dinner is served from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. each Thursday at First United Methodist Church Family Life Center.

Saturday Community Brunch

A free community brunch is served from 11:00 a.m. to noon each Saturday at First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall.


The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the largest federal nutrition assistance program. SNAP provides benefits to eligible individuals via an Electronic Benefits Transfer card. This card can be used like a debit card to purchase eligible food in authorized retail food stores. For more information on requirements and how you can apply, please visit: Our Daily Bread, Oklahoma Department of Human Services, or e-mail

Housing/Utilities Assistance

Stillwater Community Action Agency

Helps low-income individuals and families avoid crisis situations. We assist in first meeting emergency needs, and then follow-up in helping individuals and families gain self-sufficiency through supportive case management and partnerships with other social services providers in the area.

Mission of Hope

Mission of Hope specializes in programs to assist homeless individuals and families. By providing supportive housing, food, comprehensive case management, and life skills training, Mission of Hope works toward helping people become self-sufficient

2-1-1 Oklahoma

2-1-1 Oklahoma is available to help with utility assistance as well as provide information and referrals for many other community services for those who need help. Please call 2-1-1.

Payne County Youth Services

Dedicated to providing free quality services for the positive development and recovery of youth and families. Services include: Case Management, GLBTQ2S Services, Counseling, Transitional Housing, Independent Living Housing, Job Assistance, Incentives, Life Skills, On-Call Crisis Support (up to age 22).

Other Basic Needs

Red Pantry

The Red Pantry aims to meet the menstrual hygiene needs of our campus community.

The Clothing Closet

The Clothing Closet is dedicated to serving all OSU students, faculty, and staff. Gently used clothing for all occasions (casual to professional) is available at no cost in 411 Scott Hall, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Orange Ride

Orange Ride is a bicycle rental program being offered to promote affordable and convenient transportation to the campus and Stillwater community.

Community Transit

OSU Transit offers bus routes throughout Stillwater free for OSU students, faculty, and staff.

Thank You to Our Partners

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma

Founded in 1980, the Regional Food Bank distributes food through a network of more than 1,300 community-based partner agencies and schools in 53 counties in central and western Oklahoma.

Women for OSU

Oklahoma State University is working hard to ensure none of its students go hungry or lack other basic needs like health care and shelter. With the help of the Women for OSU Partnering to Impact grant, programs to tackle problems like food insecurity on campus are able to grow.

Your Support is Appreciated

You can help by donating to the OSU Foundation's Food Insecurity Fund.