Expectations, Benefits & Responsibilities for Student Organizations
- Expectations
- Follow the student organization code of conduct
- Follow their own constitution and bylaws
- Notify Campus Life whenever their officers, members, and advisor(s) change through the semester re-registration process, or by changing this information within 30 days of an election or other change.
- Maintain a positive balance in their on-campus organization account (fund code) if they have one.
- Follow all applicable university policies for student organizations.
- Benefits
- Request funding from the SGA Co-Sponsorship fund on a rolling basis (up to $1000/semester for Sponsored or up to $500/semester for Registered).
- Request funding from the SGA Multicultural Affairs Committee (MAC) on a rolling basis.
- Request funding through the Activity Fee Allocation Process (Sponsored organizations only).
- Use the University Accounting “on-campus banking” to hold and disburse money for the organization.
- Use University facilities (normally at no cost) for regularly scheduled business meeting in designated areas including scheduling the use of rooms in the Student Union and classroom buildings, grounds, tabling, etc.
- Post to the bulletin boards on campus with proper approval from Student
- Student Union Meeting and Conference Services (SU 179) and the department in which the board is located.
- Create and manage a website on CampusLink and use it to post information, events, documents and hold elections.
- Post events to the University’s online calendar.
- Use the Student Union Marketing graphic design services at no or a low cost depending on the project.
- Responsibilities
Sponsoring or Registration of organizations does not mean that the University supports or adheres to the views held or positions taken by such groups. Responsibility for any action which violates federal, state, or local laws or University regulations must be assumed by the individual groups and their individual officers and members. All student organizations are required to maintain funds derived from activity fees or dues assessed of the members in the University banking services (this is the organization’s on-campus Fund).