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Campus Life

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Find Your Community

Getting involved on campus can be one of the most exciting parts of the college experience. Clubs and organizations can help strengthen relationships, engage with the subjects learned in and out of the classroom, and explore their real-life application. With over 500 clubs on campus and opportunities to create your own organizations, there is a place for every student to call home away from home.  

Where do I get started? 

You can get started finding a club or organization using many different resources. A few options include CampusLink, your college website, bulletin boards, on-campus jobs, professors, classmates, and, of course, friends. 

  • CampusLink

    CampusLink is a website where all the organizations and clubs for the university are cataloged. It has a page for each club that includes a summary of the clubs’ purpose, the advisor’s name and email and the club’s executive team of students and their contact information.

  • College Website

    Each of the colleges in the University has a college website that houses a list of clubs and organizations that pertain to the subject matter or careers of the individual college. 

  • Bulletin Boards

    Bulletin boards are in most of the buildings around campusThey are one of the most used resources to get information out to the student population. Many clubs and organizations post flyers promoting their club and the times and the place they meet each month.   


Benefits of getting involved.

Why should you get involved in one of the many student clubs and organizations? That is a great question.

Finding a community gives you an opportunity to meet new people and provide a break from classes. Joining a club or organization can make the vast university seem much smaller. It is a great way to find out who you are as a person and what you are interested in. Student organizations are run by students. It provides an opportunity to have a voice or even be part of making decisions for you and your peers.   


Common obstacles

  • "I am too busy. Will I have enough time?"

    As students, you have a busy schedule, with many different commitments. Clubs and organizations primarily meet one or two times each month. Business meetings usually only last for an hour. As a student you can be as committed to the club as you wish. It is not required to be an officer; it is appropriate to be just a member.   

  • "I'm an introvert and get anxious when meeting new people or doing new things."

    There is a club and organization here on campus for everyone. Some clubs and organizations are smaller than others. Most clubs have the option of Zooming into the meetings. Students are able be involved and participate without being there in person. Clubs meet both on campus and at outside venues

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