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Our Fraternity and Sorority Community

Our Pillars

  • Academics

    The fraternity and sorority community makes academics a top priority. Many chapters have an academic development plan which promotes scholarly achievement and incentives for those with a respectable GPA to participate in chapter activities. Further, each fraternity and sorority has its own scholarship program that will promote academic success and effective time management skills.

  • Brotherhood & Sisterhood

    At Oklahoma State University, fraternities and sororities enable students to establish strong friendships that last far beyond their college years. Affiliation in a Greek-letter
    organization, provides members a diverse opportunity to interact with other students, backgrounds, and interests. Membership offers a supportive network to assists student transition to college life.

  • Leadership

    Both on-campus and off-campus, fraternity and sorority members learn the importance of dedication, working with others, responsibility and self-reliance. In addition, there are many leadership opportunities within the fraternity and sorority community apart from those within each chapter. Whether you are a natural leader, enhance and cultivate your skills or just seek to be involved, fraternity and sorority membership will help you develop your unique, individual potential.

  • Philanthropy

    One of the most gratifying aspects of fraternity and sorority membership is the sense of satisfaction and pride that comes with involvement in philanthropy and community service. In 2023, students raised nearly a quarter of a million dollars and gave more than 50,000 hours of their time. In addition to the individual chapter
    projects, the community comes together several times per year to perform joint projects for both the campus and the
    community. Whether raising money or donating time, service is an essential part of the fraternal experience.