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Sigma Phi Epsilon

Crest of Sigma Phi Epsilon

Oklahoma Alpha

  • National Founding: November 11, 1901
  • Local Founding: April 3, 1920
  • Colors: Rose Red & Violet Purple
  • Academics
    Semester GPA
    Semester GPA
    Spring 2023 3.37
    Fall 2023 3.36
    Other Academic Information
    Criteria Data
    GPA required to remain in good standing 3.0
    Total # of Honors College students N/A
  • Conduct
    Criteria Data
    # of individual conduct cases involving a member



    Semester: Fall 2023 -

    Resolution: Spring 2024

    Violation: Student Organization Policies: Hazing Policy, new members participated in a scavenger hunt where local laws were broken.

    Outcome: Required to write and instill a scavenger hunt policy into chapter’s bylaws.


    Semester: Fall 2023 -

    Resolution: Fall 2023

    Violation: Student Organization Policies: Hazing Policy, Adherence to Governing Policies, and Alcohol Policy

    Outcome: Social Restrictions for the remainder of the semester, No Homecoming 2023, Educational Workshops on hazing, Event Planning Guide, New Member Education Revision, Chapter House Expectations, Additional Outcomes from Chapter’s Alumni Volunteer Corporation

    View compliance in the Greek 100 Risk Management Program.

    Greek 100

  • Financial Obligation
    Cost per semester
    Type of fee Amount
    Room and Board and Dues $4,792
    Out-of-House Dues $842
    In-of-House Dues $300
  • Community Standard Status
    2023: Not in Good Standing
  • Membership
    • Active Members: 149
    • Length of New Member Program: 10 Weeks
  • National Recognition
    • N/A
  • Community Service and Philanthropy
    Type Annual Numbers
    Community service hours completed N/A
    Philanthropy dollars raised (annually)
    National Big Brothers Big Sisters
    Local Big Brothers Big Sisters, Friends of the Library, SigEp's for Ray Murphy, & Dr. Seuss's SigEps