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Greek Neighborhood Association

Who We Are

The Greek neighborhood association (GNA) is a 501(c)(3) organization of alumni representatives from the fraternities and sororities at Oklahoma State University. Our goal is to enhance safety and security in the Greek neighborhood. While fraternity/sorority housing are owned and operated by each organization, they are considered "University-Approved Housing" which means each facility serves to support a living-learning environment for residents within the Greek Neighborhood. The designated neighborhood includes the area between University Ave to 4th Street and Washington to Walnut Street.


  • Fraternity & Sorority House Directors

    Each fraternity or sorority house at Oklahoma State University has a live-in house director that is employed by the house corporation. If you have a passion for working with college students to assist in their growth and development, this might be the perfect opportunity for you! Apply to be a house director by emailing a resume and cover letter to  

  • Job Description & Expectations

    Oklahoma State University Housing Director Job Description:
    The fraternity/sorority house director position is an important role to the health, safety, and
    development of students who reside in University‐approved, private fraternity/sorority housing in the
    Greek Neighborhood at Oklahoma State University. Each housing director is employed by the private
    house corporation who owns the facility and are not employees of Oklahoma State University. The
    Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs helps facilitate the recruitment process for any vacancies within
    the Greek Neighborhood in collaboration with the organization, which employ house directors.


    Expectations of OSU House Director

    A house director associated with a Greek‐letter organization at Oklahoma State University is including
    but not limited to:

    • Maintain the health, safety, and well‐being of the residents of the house.
    • Become familiar with University policies and governing councils’ policies and assist the residents
      in following those policies.
    • Become familiar with, and be able to refer students to, University services and facilities available
      to assist students with health, emotional, behavioral, financial, and educational issues that may
    • Reside in the chapter house and be readily available at any hour should emergency/security
      issues arise which includes understanding the chapter and campus crisis management plan.
    • Be encouraging and supportive of the Chapter and the individual members/associates.
    • Attend all House Directors’ Association meetings.
    • Fulfill the requirements of the organization that has employed them, these may include, but not
      be limited to:
      • Attending/supporting extracurricular activities, events, meetings, academics with
        members of the organization.
      • Provide support and assistance to individual members, officers, and committees of the
      • Supervise and/or serve as a chapter representative for food service and housekeeping
      • Corresponding with family of chapter members and alumni/alumnae.
      • Meet regularly with the officers, advisors, and House Corporation officers
      • Fulfill any other duties as assigned by housing corporation.

    Apply to be a house director by emailing a resume and cover letter to  

  • GNA Projects

    These projects were financed from the GNA funds and completed through a cooperative arrangement with the City of Stillwater. Each of the housed Greek organizations pay a yearly membership fee of $200 plus $10.00 per student on the chapter's official roll. This money is used to fund special projects that are approved by the GNA members. An elected board of directors governs the organization.

    1. Installed orange street signs to identify the area.
    2. Installed 95 street lights to improve lighting and safety in the designated area.
    3. Installed external security cameras on the outside of sorority and fraternity houses.
    4. Purchased and strategically placed exterior trash cans in the designated neighborhood.
  • Contact Information

    For more information about the Greek Neighborhood Association, please contact the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs at (405) 744-5490 or by email at

Map highlighting most of the houses of fraternities and sororities within the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council