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The History of Follies

Held annually in the fall semester as a Student Union Activities Board presentation, Follies has allowed freshmen to light up the stage with singing, dancing and "cheesing" since 1970. Since its inception, Follies has included freshmen from the fraternity and sorority community, from student organizations and from residence halls in the performance. However, as time passed, fraternity men and sorority women truly embraced the Follies tradition, and, beginning in 2009, the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs took over the advising role. Traditionally, Follies takes place on the uniquely shaped stage in the Student Union Little Theater. In 2022, the show was expanded to allow any new member to participate, regardless of grade.

As we get more pieces of history, this page will continue to grow! Let us know if you have something to contribute to Follies' History by emailing We love seeing old photos, videos, programs, and anything else that made your Follies experience a memorable one! 


  • 2020-2029


    Lots of new and exciting changes were made with the 51st rendition of Follies! New members of any classification are now allowed to participate in the show, ending the rule that only freshmen could participate. Stillwater Public Schools Performing Arts Department was named as the new philanthropic beneficiary of Follies, and the show community raised $90,000 for our new partner. The Saturday night live stream can be viewed here.

    Graduate Assistant: Reid Rector

    Executive Directors: Molly McClure & Taylor Javaheri


    Group Acts

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Sigma Chi – 4th Place
    • Alpha Delta Pi & Kappa Sigma
    • Alpha Omicron Pi & Alpha Sigma Pi
    • Chi Omega & Sigma Nu – 3rd Place
    • Delta Delta Delta & Delta Tau Delta
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Phi Epsilon
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & FarmHouse
    • Kappa Delta & Phi Gamma Delta – 2nd Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Alpha Epsilon – 5th Place
    • Phi Mu & Phi Delta Theta
    • Pi Beta Phi & Beta Theta Pi – 1st Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Alpha Gamma Rho


    Individual Awards

    • Best Male Director: Drew Williams – Sigma Nu
    • Best Male Vocalist: Reed Stout – Beta Theta Pi
    • Best Male Follier: Robert Winters & Drew Sawyer – Phi Gamma Delta
    • Best Female Director: Mallory Rodgers – Zeta Tau Alpha
    • Best Female Vocalist: McKenna Brown – Kappa Delta
    • Best Female Follier: Megan Wilkie – Chi Omega


    Cast Awards

    • Best Vocals: Pi Beta Phi & Beta Theta Pi
    • Best Choreography: Pi Beta Phi & Beta Theta Pi
    • Best Theme: Pi Beta Phi & Beta Theta Pi
    • Most Entertaining: Chi Omega & Sigma Nu
    • Best Opener: Pi Beta Phi & Beta Theta Pi
    • Best Ensemble: Kappa Delta & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Cheesiest Cast: Kappa Alpha Theta & FarmHouse
    • Most Comedic: Phi Mu & Phi Delta Theta
    • Best Song Choice: Delta Delta Delta & Delta Tau Delta
    • Best Costumes: Alpha Delta Pi & Kappa Sigma
    • Most Philanthropic: Alpha Chi Omega & Sigma Chi



    As Greek Shows pivoted back from COVID-19, our community was ecstatic about pulling back the curtains and stepping foot on the unique stage once again. The 50th Follies contributed, once again, to the impactful philanthropy Coaches vs. Cancer. Through the efforts of the executive team, cast members, steering members, and directors, the community raised $41,000 for Coaches vs. Cancer. The Saturday night live stream can be viewed here.

    Graduate Assistant: Zach Youngblood

    Executive Directors: Reid Rector & Paris Miller


    Group Acts:

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Phi Kappa Tau
    • Alpha Delta Pi & Delta Tau Delta
    • Alpha Omicron Pi & Alpha Gamma Rho & Phi Delta Theta
    • Alpha Xi Delta & Lambda Chi Alpha
    • Chi Omega & Sigma Chi – 2nd Place
    • Delta Delta Delta & FarmHouse
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Nu – 5th Place
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Phi Gamma Delta – 3rd Place
    • Kappa Delta & Beta Theta Pi – 1st Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Kappa Sigma
    • Phi Mu & Pi Kappa Alpha
    • Pi Beta Phi & Sigma Phi Epsilon – 4th Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Sigma Alpha Epsilon


    Individual Awards

    • Best Male Director: Dawson Butts – Phi Kappa Tau
    • Best Male Vocalist: Braden Holt – Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Best Male Follier: Keylan Hooks – Kappa Sigma
    • Best Female Director: Zoe Gillett – Gamma Phi Beta
    • Best Female Vocalist: Ellie Koman – Kappa Delta
    • Best Female Follier: Sarah Cothran – Delta Delta Delta


    Cast Awards

    • Best Vocals: Kappa Delta & Beta Theta Pi
    • Best Choreography: Kappa Delta & Beta Theta Pi
    • Best Theme: Kappa Alpha Theta & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Most Entertaining: Alpha Omicron Pi & Alpha Gamma Rho & Phi Delta Theta
    • Cheesiest Cast: Kappa Delta & Beta Theta Pi
    • Kid’s Choice Award: Kappa Delta & Beta Theta Pi
    • Most Spirited: Kappa Kappa Gamma & Kappa Sigma
    • Most Comedic: Alpha Chi Omega & Phi Kappa Tau
    • Best Song Choice: Alpha Omicron Pi & Alpha Gamma Rho & Phi Delta Theta
    • Best Costumes: Alpha Omicron Pi & Alpha Gamma Rho & Phi Delta Theta
    • Most Philanthropic: Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Nu



    COVID-19 forced Freshman Follies to take on a different form this year. With the goal of giving students a creative outlet in these strange times while prioritizing the health and safety of everyone involved, The Greek Showdown was born!  The Greek Showdown took the aspects of Freshman Follies: Vocals, Choreography, and Skits, and made them each its own category as well as a Freestyle category for any acts that did not fall in the other three. Anyone regardless of class could participate. All acts were performed and recorded in the McKnight Center for the Performing Arts. The acts were streamed and are now available to watch on OstateTV! The shows were split into two days: Thursday and Friday

    Executive Directors: Kim Lloyd and Matt Burchard

    Vocals Placing:

    • Beta Theta Pi - 1st Place
    • Kappa Alpha Theta - 2nd Place
    • Chi Omega - 3rd Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha - 4th Place
    • Alpha Chi Omega - 5th Place

    Choreo Placing:

    • Pi Beta Phi - 1st Place
    • Beta Theta Pi - 2nd Place
    • Chi Omega - 3rd Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma - 4th Place
    • Delta Delta Delta- 5th Place

    Skits Placing:

    • Kappa Kappa Gamma - 1st Place
    • Sigma Phi Epsilon - 2nd Place
    • Pi Beta Phi - 3rd Place

    Freestyle Placing:

    • FarmHouse - 1st Place
    • Delta Tau Delta - 2nd Place
    • Alpha Gamma Rho - 3rd Place
  • 2010-2019


    Once again, Freshman Follies is back on the Student Union Stage for the 49th annual show. Students were able to donate over $30,000 to the Hearts for Hearing Foundation.

    Executive Directors: Alli Baden and Zach Youngblood

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Pi Kappa Alpha
    • Chi Omega & Sigma Phi Epsilon - 3rd Place
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Chi - 1st Place
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Beta Theta Pi - 2nd Place
    • Kappa Delta & Delta Tau Delta
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Pi Beta Phi & Sigma Nu
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Alpha Tau Omega


    After a successful year at Stillwater High School Performing Arts Center, Freshman Follies returned to the traditional Student Union Stage for the 48th annual show. Students were able to donate over $40,000 to the Hearts for Hearing Foundation.

    Executive Directors: Brittany Ruckel and Sydney Choi  

    • Delta Delta Delta & Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Delta Tau Delta - 1st Place
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Sigma Nu
    • Kappa Delta & FarmHouse - 2nd Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Chi
    • Phi Mu & Alpha Tau Omega
    • Pi Beta Phi & Phi Gamma Delta - 3rd Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Sigma Phi Epsilon


    Pairs were chosen through a mutual selection process in response to students' interest in changing the pairing process. In an effort to raise more charitable funds, a decision was made for the Stillwater High School Performing Art Center to be the host of Freshman Follies this year. Freshman Follies donated a record-breaking $56,886 to the Hearts for Hearing Foundation.

    Executive Directors: Ty Herring and Brittany Ruckel

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Delta Tau Delta
    • Alpha Omicron Pi & Kappa Alpha Order
    • Chi Omega & Alpha Tau Omega - 3rd Place
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Chi
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Beta Theta Pi - 1st Place
    • Kappa Delta & Kappa Sigma
    • Phi Mu & Sigma Phi Epsilon
    • Pi Beta Phi & Sigma Nu
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Phi Gamma Delta - 2nd Place


    The Wednesday night "Cheesing for Charity" show was hosted at the Stillwater Community Center to allow more ticket sales and a larger donation amount. Freshman Follies donated a record-breaking $34,882 to the Hearts for Hearing Foundation.

    Executive Directors: Briana Strahorn and Ty Herring

    • Chi Omega & Sigma Phi Epsilon - 2nd Place
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & FarmHouse
    • Kappa Delta & Sigma Nu - 3rd Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Kappa Sigma
    • Phi Mu & Alpha Tau Omega
    • Pi Beta Phi & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Beta Theta Pi - 1st Place


    Freshman Follies donated a record-breaking $21,990 to the Hearts for Hearing Foundation.

    Executive Directors: Matt Gallagher and Briana Strahorn

    • Alpha Delta Pi & Pi Kappa Alpha
    • Chi Omega & Phi Gamma Delta - 2nd Place
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Kappa Sigma
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Sigma Nu
    • Kappa Delta & Sigma Phi Epsilon - 1st Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Alpha Tau Omega
    • Pi Beta Phi & FarmHouse - 3rd Place


    Freshman Follies established Hearts for Hearing as the beneficiary and was able to donate $9,500.

    • Chi Omega & Sigma Nu - 2nd Place
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Alpha Tau Omega
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Sigma Chi
    • Kappa Delta & Beta Theta Pi - 2nd Place
    • Phi Mu & Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Pi Beta Phi & Phi Gamma Delta - 1st Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Sigma Phi Epsilon


    • Alpha Chi Omega & Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Alpha Delta Pi & Alpha Tau Omega
    • Chi Omega & Sigma Phi Epsilon - 1st Place
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Chi
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Beta Theta Pi - 2nd Place
    • Kappa Delta & FarmHouse
    • Phi Mu & Kappa Sigma
    • Pi Beta Phi & Sigma Nu - 3rd Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Sigma Alpha Epsilon


    Freshman Follies returns to the Student Union Theater after a two year hiatus.

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Sigma Chi
    • Chi Omega & Beta Theta Pi - 1st Place
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Kappa Delta & Alpha Gamma Rho - 3rd Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Nu
    • Phi Mu & Alpha Tau Omega
    • Pi Beta Phi & FarmHouse - 2nd Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Kappa Sigma


    With the Student Union Theater under construction, Freshman Follies moved to the Seretean Center Concert Hall, the traditional location of Varsity Revue.

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Alpha Delta Pi & Kappa Sigma
    • Chi Omega & FarmHouse - 2nd Place
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Sigma Phi Epsilon
    • Kappa Delta & Sigma Nu - 3rd Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Chi
    • Phi Mu & Pi Kappa Alpha
    • Pi Beta Phi & Beta Theta Pi - 1st Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Sigma Alpha Epsilon  


    Follies moved to the Stillwater High School Performing Arts Center. 

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Beta Theta Pi - 2nd Place
    • Chi Omega & Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Gamma Phi Beta & FarmHouse - 3rd Place
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Sigma Nu
    • Kappa Delta & Sigma Phi Epsilon - 1st Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Alpha Epsilon
    • Phi Mu & Phi Delta Theta
    • Pi Beta Phi & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Pi Kappa Alpha
  • 2000-2009


    • Alpha Chi Omega & Sigma Alpha Epsilon
    • Alpha Delta Pi & Phi Kappa Tau
    • Chi Omega & Phi Gamma Delta - 3rd Place
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Beta Theta Pi
    • Kappa Delta & Pi Kappa Alpha - 1st Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Phi Epsilon - 2nd Place
    • Pi Beta Phi & Sigma Nu
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & FarmHouse


    • Alpha Chi Omega & Sigma Phi Epsilon - 1st Place
    • Alpha Delta Pi & Kappa Alpha Order
    • Chi Omega & Beta Theta Pi
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Alpha Epsilon
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Phi Gamma Delta - 2nd Place
    • Kappa Delta & FarmHouse
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Nu
    • Pi Beta Phi & Alpha Gamma Rho - 3rd Place


    • Chi Omega & FarmHouse
    • Delta Delta Delta & Sigma Chi
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Nu
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Sigma Phi Epsilon - 1st Place
    • Kappa Delta & Phi Delta Theta
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Phi Gamma Delta - 2nd Place
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Sigma Alpha Epsilon - 3rd Place


    Executive Directors: Kristen Sexton and Bay Woods

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Phi Delta Theta
    • Chi Omega & Sigma Alpha Epsilon
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Beta Theta Pi
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Sigma Nu 
    • Kappa Delta & Sigma Chi
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Phi Mu & FarmHouse 
    • Pi Beta Phi & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Sigma Phi Epsilon 


    Executive Directors: Barrett Seal & Kristen Sexton

    • Alpha Chi Omega & Sigma Chi
    • Chi Omega & Phi Gamma Delta
    • Delta Delta Delta & FarmHouse
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Phi Delta Theta
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & Beta Theta Pi
    • Kappa Delta & Sigma Phi Epsilon
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Alpha Epsilon
    • Pi Beta Phi & Sigma Nu






  • 1990-1999











    "Each group that tried out for the event was asked to present a skit that added on to this year's theme, "Can You Imagine a Century . . . ." The theme was chosen to commemorate Oklahoma State University's centennial, said Laura Roberson, co-director of Freshman Follies. The variety show, consisting of solo performances, tap dancing and group skits, "highlights the talent of OSU freshmen," she said. Out of the 16 group and individual acts that tried out for Follies, eight were accepted. Residential halls, as well as fraternities and sororities are encouraged to tryout for the event sponsored by the Student Union Activities Board, Roberson said. Students are judged on their singing ability, audience appeal, stage presence and choreography skill. Each group was chosen on how well they might interpret their theme to the audience. The purpose of FreshmanFollies is mainly to entertain people ... to give OSU students the chance to perform," Roberson said. One of the main purposes behind follies is to get the freshman students involved with campus activities. The show is mainly geared toward the student body, considering it is an annual SUAB sponsored event, she said. To participate in the Follies students must be freshmen with fewer than 28 total accumulated college hours."

    - Redskin 1991

    Executive Director(s): Laura Roberson

    Theme: Can You Imagine a Century...

    (Known) Group Acts:

    • Pi Beta Phi & Delta Tau Delta in "...Without Broadway" - 1st Place
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & FarmHouse in "...Ago on the Mississippi" - 2nd Place
    • Alpha Delta Pi & Phi Gamma Delta "...Without Freedom" - 3rd Place
    • Alpha Chi Omega & Phi Kappa Alpha "...With the Muppets"

    (Known) Individual Acts:

    • Kristi Jeffers
  • 1980-1989


    "Freshman Follies was set on a course for adventure as it celebrated its annual production. The props were set, the music played, and the show went on for Oklahoma State University. Follies is designed for freshmen on the OSU campus to spend time in the spotlight. It is a good demonstration to show what they have learned about the campus in their first three months of college, and it is a fun show to put on for fellow classmates and for parents to see. The theme for this year was "Follies Abroad..." and each performing act filled in the rest of the title to develop their theme. Student Union Activities Board is the official sponsor of this event each year and presented the show Nov. 9-11 in the Student Union Little Theater. Six large group acts out of 11 were chosen by the Follies Steering Committee to perform in the show. Steering co-director Sally Burchett said, "We thought each of the six groups performed so well  we wanted all of them in the show instead of choosing the traditional five."

    - Redskin 1990

    Executive Director(s): Sally Burchett

    Theme: Follies Abroad...

    Group Acts:

    • Chi Omega & FarmHouse
    • Gamma Phi Beta & Pi Kappa Alpha
    • Kappa Delta & Delta Tau Delta
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Sigma Chi
    • Pi Beta Phi & Sigma Nu
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & Alpha Gamma Rho.

    Individual Acts:

    "These three performers were featured between various group acts throughout the show. They performed for the audience by singing, playing the drums and playing the piano respectively."

    • Alicia England
    • Rich Bonner
    • Lara Zander

    "This year's steering committee had high expectations for the show. The committee “walked around” to see each group's performance on a weekly basis, and each week brought more and more progress. Burchett said, "We were wanting the show to be polished and better than it ever has been. We were working with very good groups and individual acts as well."



    (Known) Group Acts:

    • Kappa Delta & Alpha Gamma Rho
    • Kappa Kappa Gamma & Delta Chi
    • Kappa Alpha Theta & (unknown)
    • (unknown) & Lambda Chi Alpha
    • Pi Beta Phi & (unknown)
    • (unknown) & Pi Kappa Alpha
    • (unknown) & Sigma Phi Epsilon
    • Zeta Tau Alpha & (unknown)








  • 1970-1979
    Coming Soon!