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Kickstart your OSU journey at Camp Cowboy

Connect with students and resources on-campus to help smooth the transition into the OSU Community. This is your opportunity to get answers to questions you didn't know you had.

What to expect:

Join fellow first-generation students at this free Camp Cowboy add-on experience. Register for Camp Cowboy during the July 11-12 or July 18-19 camp, then join us a day early for this opportunity, free of charge.


Hear from the experts:

The Division of Access and Community Impact and Campus Life want to familiarize you with their services, and introduce you to other new-to-OSU students from similar backgrounds. You will participate in small group conversations about what it's like to be a part of the OSU Pokes!


How do I sign up?

It's easy! Just follow these steps when you Register for Camp Cowboy.

  1. Access the Camp Cowboy Registration Portal.
  2. Select either the July 11-12 or July 18-19 camp date.
  3. Complete the Registration form in its entirety, paying special attention to the questions below.
  4. Answer "Yes" to the question that begins with: "Would you like to register for the add-on First-Gen Kickstart experience..."
  5. In the "Travel and Accommodation Information" section, when asked about extra nights of lodging, answer "Yes, I will need 1 night of additional lodging on the night before my camp begins." If you are attending the First-Gen Kickstart, your extra night before camp will be at no cost to you.
    1. NOTE: If you will need any more additional nights, answer accordingly.  Any further additional nights are your financial responsibility, as outlined on the Registration Form.
  6. Submit the form! We will contact you with next steps prior to Camp.