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We are here to help you.

Alcohol Overdose

Alcohol poisoning is life threatening and requires an immediate response. If a person has any of the following symptoms of alcohol poisoning or is suffering from acute alcohol intoxication you should call 911 immediately. Some common signs of alcohol overdose include the following:

  • unconscious or semi-unconscious state and cannot be awakened
  • cold, clammy, pale, or bluish skin
  • breathing less than eight times per minute
  • breathing irregularly
  • breathing with ten seconds or more between breaths
  • vomiting while sleeping or passed out, and not waking up after vomiting
  • pulse rate less than 60 beats per minute.

When a student suffers alcohol poisoning or is transported to the hospital for alcohol or other drug overdose, this behavior is considered serious and appropriate interventions are created to assist the student. Student Conduct staff will contact these students and respond to the student's immediate health and well-being, help students identify the appropriate campus and community resources, and discuss any impact on their academic success, and encourage the student to engage in healthier behaviors.


If you have been hospitalized and will not be in class, you or a support person can notify the Student Support & Conduct office to initiate contacting your faculty.  


Following your hospitalization, a meeting with Student Support & Conduct staff can help you identify all the resources available to make your transition back to the university as seamless as possible. Depending on the length of your absence and its impact on your semester, a staff member can also walk you through various academic options that might impact your success.

OSU has both medical and mental health options available on campus at University Health Services and University Counseling Services. In some instances, a referral to Student Accessibility Services may be appropriate to help with campus accommodations. 

Suicide and Self Harm 

Should you find yourself or a friend in a crisis situation after hours or during the weekend, we encourage you to use one of the resources available during those times including:


  • Call Sam 1-855-225-2SAM (2726)
    • Call SAM (Student Assistance by Mercy) is a FREE 24-hour call center staffed with counselors who will assist you in getting the help you need.
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Dial 988
    • 24 hour telephone hotline and internet-based chat, information for self-help or helping a friend: coping skills, mental health education
  • Oklahoma State University Police
    • 24 hour police department on OSU campus
    • call 405-744-6523 for NON-emergencies
    • call 911 in emergency situations 
  • Stillwater Police Department
    • 24 hour police department for the city of Stillwater
    • call 405-372-4171 for NON-emergencies
    • call 911 in emergency situations

When a student attempts or considers suicide, this behavior is considered serious and appropriate interventions are created to assist the student. Providing appropriate follow-up for students with suicidal ideation or intent, as well as friends or others who might also be affected, is an important. Student Support & Conduct staff will contact these students and respond to the student's immediate health and well-being, help students identify the appropriate campus and community resources, and discuss any impact on their academic success. This conversation will typically include an understanding of campus and community resources, strategies for self-care, navigating their academic experience, and discussion of the potential impact to the university community. Student Support & Conduct partners with campus counseling services to set a student up with mental health care on campus.